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Be yourself: everyone else is taken

Oscar Wilde

Hi! My name is Branka. I am a naturally good listener, with an open mind and heart to humans and their life stories

By profession I am a MSc. psychologist, therapist and coach, who currently lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I am fluent in English, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian languages, with a good insight into Dutch and German as well.

I consider myself curios and am a life long learner. As an expat, I am open to cross cultural approach which accepts all the cultural richness and differences  that my clients can bring to our sessions. 

I strongly believe that we all are precious and unique human beings, so I am focused on creating tailor-made approach to all my clients and their life challenges.
Branka Milicic- Barbul in her study

Education & Certificates

  • Masters Psychotherapy (MSc) , Faculty of Legal and Business Studies, Dr Lazar Vrkatic; Department of Psychotherapy

  • Bachelor of Psychology , Faculty of Legal and Business Studies, Dr Lazar Vrkatic; Department of Psychology  

  • The Serbian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy SUIP Integrative psychotherapist

  • RAIP The Regional Association for the Integrative Application of Psychodrama and Psychotherapy / Counselor, Counseling psychology

  • ACT –Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - Basic experiential-instructive course  Centre for Applied Psychology of the Serbian Psychological Society

  • ACT –Acceptance and Commitment Therapy:  Using the ACT MATRIX in Clinical Practice – On/line Advanced course , CKBT-Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Banja Luka

  • Richard G. ERSKINE, Ph.D. Online Workshop – Working with child ego states: Applying child development theory and research in psychotherapy with adult clientsNATAS – National Association of Transactional Analysis of Serbia

  • CFT – Compassion Focused Therapy , On/line Basic course CKBT-Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Banja Luka

Licenses & Memberships


Europen Association for Integrative Psychotherapy
ECIP No 0126/2024


De Vereniging van Integraal Therapeuten (VIT)

Membership number: 920.24.A.


under the name Emobalance, and included in the General Data Management of Healthcare Providers, 
AGBZ, with the personal AGB code 90115858
and the practice AGB code is 90092373.

Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP)
Membership number: 236528


ACBS  - Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
Professional member 


The Serbian Union of Associations for Psychotherapy
Membership number: 867


Serbian Psychological Society - DPS 
Membership number: 6974

Kamer van Koophandel (KVK)
Registration number: 85189189

Branka Milicic - Barbul  relaxed

My own professional journey

I began my university education in the field of sociology and philosophy, sciences that deal with thinking and exploring human society and human relation within the society. My curiosity and love for exploring the world around me led me further on a path that included artistic expression, which was a natural continuation both of my studies and of my high school education in the field of art. I was looking for a way to express myself in such a way which is universally understood.

Moving through the world of different life roles as well as within experimental physical theater and performance, and parallel to it in the field of video and photography, I learned more about myself and about people. For me the only natural way was the path of further professional development, i.e., education in Psychodrama. With the acquisition of a counselor's diploma in Psychodrama, I also started studying psychology, first in the field of business relations and after that I direct my master's degree towards psychotherapy, counseling and coaching.

Further training and education led me to study Integrative psychotherapy as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy, which belong to the third wave of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

After running the Baza Center for personal training and development of social skills and Emobalans, a private organization for therapy, consulting and coaching in Novi Sad, Serbia, for almost ten years, from January 2022 I decided to continue my professional career in Amsterdam within Emobalance, as a freelance psychologist, therapist, and coach.

Apart from my organization, I am also involved in two private medical practices, also in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

My life's path is an indication that personal and career development in different fields is possible if we are guided by our values ​​and needs, with great curiosity, dedication and acceptance of all obstacles and efforts that may appear on the way. That is a knowledge I like to share with my clients, supporting them on their road to relate to their difficulties in compassionate way. I am also providing them with effective tools to work with challenging circumstances and emotions they encounter in different phases of their lives.

Let's Connect

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Phone: +31(0)687563289

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© 2024 by Branka Milicic Barbul.


AGB practice: 90092373

AGB personal: 90115858

KVK 85189189

Photo credits: Maja Putnik

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