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Branka Milicic - Barbul

Emotionally Balanced Life Is Within Reach

Therapy & Coaching with Branka


Whether you decide to commit to deep,  exploring and lengthy therapy process or you prefer focused, short term, coached road to change, you are at the right place.


"When you're going trough hell, keep going!"

Winston Churchill

Life can be lovely and amazing, but also challenging and difficult. Sometimes it is not easy to keep going, sometimes we do not see clear what is in front of us. We are struggling and begin to loose a motivation and faith in ourselves. 


And it's human! We all have challenges in life that need to be overcome. If you feel stuck and trapped in different life situations, I'm here to help you find creative solutions to the problems you face, with compassion, empathy and understanding.


Branka Milicic - Barbul talks
Natural Beach

The journey towards emotional balance begins on the path of self love. Begin your journey today.

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Professionalism can be relaxed.

Seriousness can be creative.

Dealing with the deepest inner essence can be safest.

Support, Trust, Motivation.

That’s Branka.”

- Aleksandar Mladenović, Multimedia artist and a lucky man

"Last year I encountered a blockage in my work, I was fed up and I didn't know where to go with my career and life. I turned to Branka for help without believing in a quick solution. What I did not expect was an approach that brought me much more than a solution to the problem at that time. With her holistic approach, Branka taught me how to  approach situations I faced from different angle and from different roles. I use this approach even now when I run into an obstacle at work or in various life situations. I expected a quick solution to the current problem, and I received a powerful tool for facing future obstacles."

Jeroen W,  IT manager

"The sessions I had with Branka were an exceptional experience for me. Each session was a story in itself and after each one I felt great. Before starting the therapy, I thought I would completely fall apart. I was lost in life. After each session I felt better and stronger. She helped me learn to stand up for myself, to regain my confidence. Even today, when I have crisis situations, it is enough for me to just imagine Branka in my head and easily overcome the problems. Thank you Branka for everything !"

Ljiljana M, enterpreneur


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Phone: +31(0)687563289

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© 2024 by Branka Milicic Barbul.


AGB practice: 90092373

AGB personal: 90115858

KVK 85189189

Photo credits: Maja Putnik

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